
Chime in: Is Microsoft's Continuum dead on phones?

At present that Microsoft says it's no longer focused on Windows x Mobile, an of import question has arisen amid the remaining Windows phone users: What does the future hold for Continuum on phones? We already know Microsoft is continuing to invest in the Continuum thought on other grade-factors, but for phones specifically? It isn't looking proficient.

Existing Windows phones today likely won't see whatsoever more updates to the Continuum experience. That wasn't always going to be the case, notwithstanding. With CShell, Microsoft was going to enable a more than familiar desktop experience when using Continuum on phones, merely since the company is no longer focused on Windows 10 Mobile, CShell isn't going to arrive on existing Windows phone handsets.

There's a lively, related chat happening in our forums right now.



At present that Windows 10 Mobile is dead, what is the future of Continuum? Will it suffer the same fate equally W10M? Continuum made sense when a mobile platform was available, it was a fashion of having a pseudo computer available thru your Windows Phone. At present that it's platform is gone, what do y'all think will be the adjacent move for it? I really like this feature, considering it made information technology possible for me to apply my...


Now, that doesn't mean the piece of work Microsoft is doing with CShell won't show upward elsewhere eventually. We suspect Microsoft's currently in-development foldable device will offering some form of Continuum, which will display a familiar desktop environment when projected on a big display. Continuum, when powered by CShell, brings the aforementioned desktop experience you know and love to mobile devices, including the ability to manipulate multiple windows at any given time.

And so, yes, Continuum on Windows ten Mobile is expressionless; there won't be any new features or enhancements coming. But the Continuum idea itself is live and well. In fact, it's only going to go improve.

Some of our users are already talking most their thoughts on the future of Continuum on phones, and we desire you lot to join in likewise. Brand sure you head to our forums and let us know what you recollect of Microsoft'south phone Continuum efforts!

From the forums: The time to come of Continuum


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